A few months ago, I was asked by Dean Sebring, the design director at Worth Magazine, if I'd be able to contribute portraits of a selection of people from their November 2011 issue's list, "The 100 Most Powerful People In Finance". I was more than thrilled to do the work, not only because Worth Magazine is a gorgeously designed publication, but also because the people they were featuring were people who've had an important influence on the world.
I worked with Dean and Valerie Sebring, the art director, and finished twelve portraits for the issue, including likeness' of people like Mary Callahan Erdoes, the CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase, Tim Cook, the new CEO at Apple, and Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. I thought it'd be best to show you some images of the issue itself -- it's beautifully designed, right? I feel lucky to have been able to work with Worth, and have my work included in this issue.

They print the magazine on a matte paper -- when I was told this, I think I had a fit at my desk. I knew that these portraits would find a nice home on a textured surface, as they are completed on a textured surface themselves. Also, I was interviewed by the magazine as a featured contributor. That was a complete surprise, and I was quite honored. Go pick up a copy, or at least read the issue -- it's fantastic!