Monday, June 15, 2009

Sketch Sketch Sketch

One of the goals I've set for myself over this summer is to complete two sketchbooks while in New York. I've never been big on sketchbooks, but most of the advice I've been given in order to become a more successful draftsman and illustrator is to draw all of the time. Begrudgingly, I started a new sketchbook in May. To my surprise, I've been loving it, and I'm pretty thirsty for it. I have a lot more sketching to do, but I've done a lot since being here.

P.S. New York is amazing! My internship with Out Magazine is absolutely invaluable, and the hands on experience with design is nothing but appreciated. Not to mention that I'm learning a lot about the publication development and meeting/getting to know wonderful people all the while.


Michael Clayton said...

I think you should change your header image to the "MH" in the top of your sketchbook page, right now it the "M" looks like an N, I, and an A

J. Aiden Simon said...

I like your new header. It does look more like an N, but I'm ok with that.
The sketches look good. I like that you used red and blue- like anaglyphs.